Breast IS Best!

Hi, I'm Jenny. Mom to 4 beautiful children. Currently nursing my last child. She was born 11/30/2005. I am currently pursuing my dream of becoming a Lactation Consultant. At the same time, I'd love to write about it, and help those with any issues.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tough time of year

Two years ago, I got the most devastating call. My mom said.. "Jenny, Paul was in a really bad car accident, he's dead." I said "Ok, mom.. Is Ann ok?" She said. "Well the best she can be.." I said "Ok, when can I go see Paul?" she said.. "Viewing is going to be in a few days I'm sure.. " I said.. "What's his room number?!" She said "Room number?!" I said.. "Yeah, I want to go visit him in the hospital." She said "Jenny, I told you he's dead.." So I said.. "Will he be ok?!" She said.. "Jenny, listen to me!! He passed on!!" It hit me like a ton of bricks. What do you mean?! This man is the most liveliest man around.. Always with a smile.. Always something sly to say.. Always very personable and friendly.. Loved to party.. throw parties, cook, grill, etc.. and always was so good with the kids. He even was a SAGP (Stay at home grandpa) For his first grandson.. he was awesome..

Ann! Oh how my heart hurted for her.. She was my cousin, and my bestfriend.. I loved her so much and now she was going through so much pain.. What can I do to help her?! What can I do to ease this pain.. Tears just flowed.. My poor cousin was aching.. She just lost a big piece of her life in the matter of minutes!! OH NO!! Her mom!!

Ann was just telling me how my Uncle was being world's biggest creap to her mother.. She just told me how terrible he was treating her.. But my Aunt just adored her husband.. I don't think there were many women who loved their husbands as much as she did.. So now what?! Oh these two people are aching!! Ok.. I have to send funeral flowers, I have to call her.. I need to know she is ok.. Oh man how the heck are they going to get through all this?!? My heart was just breaking thinking about them!!

Well this was the start of a major family war.. Misunderstandings, drama, etc.. that caused my family to split and rip at the seams. I have to say.. I later lost my bestfriend and cousin, because I was forced to choose my siblings or my cousin.. well I saw who was wrong.. Wrong maybe because of all the stress of losing her father.. but jsut wrong.. and caused my sister undue stress, drover her blood pressure sky high, all while she was pregant.. I remember calling my aunt crying, please, please can you jsut give my sister her sign back.. she's going to have to pay it.. etc..etc.. well we were the idiots in the situation.. we felt bad for all they were going through, but we were drug through the mudd on purpose.. wasn't fun..

Now just 2 years later, my aunt remarried (actually 1 year, 1 month after the death of her husband).. and my cousin and her left to move to another state.. I miss my cousin as she was my bestfriend.. and she will neer know I had another daughter.. ugh.. I'm really upset over losing her.
Baby Photo Contest

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Brand new Buffalo nickels

I am so exccited.. I had a friend who was working at a bank.. I didn't know that they had come out but she brought me a roll of buffalo nickels.. I am so excited.. They are worth 5 cents a piece right now.. but come on just think about how much they are going to be worth in a few years, ya know?

If you didn't get in on them, or you didn't know about them, you might be able to try a Silver coin dealer. I really don't know if they'd have them there.. but this is one of the best silver coin dealers. Collecting coins can be a lot of fun, especially if you think to do it while they are just coming out.. Like all those dollars they had a few years back, and the state quarters.. nobody wants to do it, cause they don't think it would ever be worth much or they are too lazy. but I think it's an easy hobby to get into.. I'd like to get my kids into something like that.
Baby Photo Contest

Friday, March 17, 2006

Wedding Reception Ideas

Now with Carrie getting married soon, I am really getting excited!! As if I was the one getting married.. haha.. I'm not even in her wedding (my choice due to finances) but I am really soooo excited!! She's having her reception in a gorgeous victorian mansion overlooking the Hudson River.. but you have to check out these wedding reception ideas. They have a lot of cool ideas.

When I got married it was like a 1 shot deal.. I knew where I was going to get married, because my mom, and all my siblings married there! It was ok for me.. I then chose a DJ who also did the all in one packages.. the DJ, did the video and pictures too.. it was nice..

I just can't stop thinking aboutthe ideas of where to hold the wedding reception.. Ti's really a neat thing to know and get into.. Anyway check them out.
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Advertise using my car

With my vitamark business, I've thought about advertising it using my car. I want to do something CRAZY and just advertise it.. I have a 2003 Honda Oddyssey.. I have to be creative and think what I can do..

I was just looking at truck accessories and the ideas are endless. I can do so much.. No matter what I do is a great tax write off.. so it will work out nicely.. I can't wait to get it all souped up and ready to go.. I can't imagine the questions and comments that will start rolling when people see me driving around in my new looking car..

My husband would love to get a body kit for his car too.. but hey, my fan is first.. unless he wants to advertise my business with it.. *smirk*...
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Advertising online

There are so many ways to skin a cat. If you want to get your business out there and advertise it to a lot of people.. a large audience.. the best way is through the internet. With internet advertising your reaching people all over the world. For instance, I can advertise with a carsign on my car.. and I will only hit a few people.. but maybe only 10% are interested in what I have to offer. With Internet marketing you can Advertise and hit hundreds of people interested in exactly what you have to offer, because they are searching for specific information. Ya know?

You can look into search engine marketing consultants they can advertise for you the most efficient way. They are masters at the "Art" of advertising. You can do it yourself, but it will be a lot of hard work.. It's like re-inventing the wheel. Let the experts do it!!

I am not advertising Guru.. so I too will let the experts do what they are good at!
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Vioxx Class Action Suit

Can you believe that so many of these wonder drugs have been pulled off the market because they can actually KILL people.. Remember they hype with Phen-Fen, right? I was on it.. Isn't that scary?!? Luckily no problems.. but everyone thought it was sooo wonderful. It made everyone lose weight.. It WAS wonderful.. And then a few months down the line.. Wait.. They pulled it off the shelf.. WHY!?! It was giving people so many health risks.

Well now you got poor people who deal with pain on a daily basis.. They are in so much pain, and they finally get relief with this wonder drug called Vioxx.. Well what happens? One day it's a wonder drug, the next day it's a killer!! Vioxx has caused so many problems in people.. They have bee affected worse then the pain now due to taking Vioxx. Heartattacks are a BIG risk with those who took Vioxx..

Millions of people took it.. And Millions of people might be afftected by it.. Are you apart of that Million number? If you are, check out the vioxx class action. Join in and get a little monetary relief!! Hopefully they will come out with a safe painkiller as good as vioxx probably was if it wasn't so unhealthy for you..
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Carrie's getting married

Ok.. I spent all day today helping my friend get ready for her wedding.. She's having a big wedding with 5 bridesmaids! We went shopping about 5 months ago while I was big and pregnant for dresses for her bridesmaids.. I couldn't afford to be in the wedding so I declined.. And now.. here we are just a few weeks away and she's still shopping for bridesmaid gifts. I sent her to this site, and I think this si what she's always been looking for.. It's got some really neat awesome stuff..

I love the whole luvvy Duvvy wedding thing.. It feels like forever since I got married and we didnt' have stores like this.. But.. real nice.. So if your looking for cool wedding things.. Take a look at the above link.

So we went out and shopped for nothing.. Although.. it wasn't so bad. Ella was such a good girl.. but we got nowhere.. I told her turn to the internet, but people are always afraid.. The internet is a great place.. especially for stuff like this!
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Make the Money with Blogitive

I have been blogging with many different blogs for a long time.. I just recently started getting into making money through my blogs.. There is really a lot of money out there to be meade with the blogs.. and there are so many ways to go about it. I am going to go over the different ways, but right now I want to start out with my favorite way to make money.

It's definately the easiest AND it's money you can BE SURE that you will make. You can setup a free blog, put up a ton of ads and hope someone clicks on them.. right?!? WELL.. Sure.. Or you can sit down and write an entry to a blog, and know that THAT is what your going to get paid on. Well you can get paid 30cents a click, for 50 blog entries.. OR you can get $5.00 plus per blog entry through Blogitive.

Seems like a no brainer to me.. If you have ever thought about writing, or currently write make money blogging with BLOGITIVE!
Baby Photo Contest

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Breastfeeding in public

I spoke to a young girl today about breastfeeding her baby.. She's really shy.. She's trying to nurse a two week old, and you know how difficult that can be.. especially your first baby.. So I'm telling her go in front of a mirror and nurse.. get used to putting a blanket over the baby, so this way the baby gets used to it took..etcetc.. well she asked how I got used to nursing in public.. Well I did get over it with my first baby, but I had that fear again with my second baby..

I would get all nervous any time the baby would start to fuss.. It would bring attention to me, etc.. Well with my second baby, I messed up my materinity leave.. My daughter was almost 2 weeks late, so I took off later, had the baby later, and the baby was going to be a month old, was only 2 weeks old.. when we went to Walt Disney World. We had a WONDERFUL vacation.. check out Orlando Vacation Home Your gonna love them! So There we are, in Sunny Floria.. I didn't want to really leave the place cause it was gorgeous, but I had another daughter who was 3 who wanted to see Disney World.. So there I'd go, trekking all over disney world.. Well when the baby would get fussy, I'd just nurse here WHEREVER.. Actually even before she'd get hungry, because I was afraid she'd dehydrate.. So we nursed all over disney and hardly EVER in the nice mother's room they have for us.. I would just pop a squat anywhere I was.. I didn't care.. I took on the attitude with I don't know these people.. And I didn't.. and nobody made me feel uncomforable... Nobody made you feel uncomfortable.. But what helps is that most of those people in Disney are from different countries, and cultures, maybe a little more laxed then we are in America.. It was sooo nice..

So nursing in Disney is a great way to get over the fear.. *smile*
Baby Photo Contest

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Breastfeeding and Medications

I hear it over and over again.. Don't take any meds.. Or I couldn't breastfeed because I was on such and such.. Or I had to stop breastfeeding because I had to start up on such and such medicine..etc..etc.. Sometimes they are very real concerns.. Other times?! Well..

Most medicines can be continued when Breastfeeding.. Actually a lot of time very little amounts of the medicines will be in the milk, but usually not enough to really do anything to the baby.. most of the time they are safe..

Speaking about medicines.. I have a friend who's father just had a heartattack. My friend is suspcious of Vioxx.. She should DEFINATELY check out Vioxx Lawsuit. She might have a good case on her hands.. And who better to have her checking it out for her?! The best of the best.

Anyway I always get side tracked.. But really.. before you quit breastfeeding.. check it out with a lactation consultant, or the LLL, cause many times you will NOT have to discontinue it. Keep nursing that nursling!
Baby Photo Contest


I am really big into investments.. It's getting really scary the way Real Estate is going these days.. I used to be all for the Real Estate industry, put your money in it, cause one day your going to make a TON of money.. I'm scared to death that that will not happen, so I'm starting to think Real Estate is not very sturdy.

The stockmarket is really crazy. VERY unstable.. but we all know that!!

I've been looking into and really want to Buy Silver Bullion There are two types of silver an investor may choose from; coin silver and pure silver. This may be something you could get into too. Take a look and see if it peaks your interest any. It's always good to get into some sort of investing.. Maybe this is for you too!!

When I make my millions.. it will be from two streams of money.. My investments (my hobby) and my network marketing career.. :) We have to be prepared for these little buggers.. They need to go to college.. And we need to provide for them.. I'd also love to get into this silver, so that I can maybe give them each some when they are old enough to appreciate it. Start thinking about our kids future, today!
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Spina Bifida

Been thinking about possibly suing my daughters first pediatrician.

My first daughter, Lidia.. Was born with a hemangioma in her diaper area. I was a little freaked out by it, because everytime I changed her diaper, it would break open and bleed. Well I researched and researched, and was even suggested by one of the doctors in my office to get a MRI done of it. I would march into the Peds office and tell him, I needed to get her back checked out with a MRI, and always marched out with no script to do it. He would tell me I was a crazy new mom..etc. etc.. Well.. I was worried!! After a 4 month struggle with him, he FINALLY sent me to a dermatologist.

The Dermatologist agreed with me and said sometimes a birthmark covers up a birth defect. He also wanted to get some kind of diagnostic imaging done of that area.. So I left the office and immediately called the pediatrician who said e could wait till next appointment (3 weeks away).. Now my daughter is 4.5 months old.. We get the MRI done, and she has Spina Bifida with a tethered spinal cord.. I'm told to get her in with a pediatric Neurosurgeon ASAP because with this condition, it can cause nerve damage each time she has a growth spurt.. Think about how many times she had a growth Spurt from birth to 4.5 months. Well to make a long story short.. we had her surgery at 5.5 months.

My daughter endured a lot.. you'd never know that right now.. She looks perfect.. but this doctor played russian roulette with my daughters life.. She could be totally crippled.. and it would have been his fault.. Luckily she's not, but she does have nerve damage.. She can't hold her bladder too long.. AND at night when she's sleeping.. if she wakes up to pee.. the minute her feet hit the floor it just comes out.. we have gone through about 5 underpants in one night.. She also can't feel whether or not she has to pee, or poo.. I just hate this man for not listening to me..

I'm looking into these NY lawyers because they really seem very knowledgeable. They have a lot of services to offer. I will have to blog back and let you all know how my experience with this company goes.

Whatever you do as a mother.. believe in your OWN tuition.. WE KNOW!
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She's having her baby!!

A girl I went to school with is having her SEVENTH baby!! I am so excited for her.. I love the tiny babies! :) I don't know if she will breastfeed.. My bet is she will. She breastfed some but not all.

Anyway, take a look at this link. gift baskets I'm looking at the best basket to have delivered to her. This place is the best when it comes to gift baskets!! Aren't they neat!? It's amazing what you can find over the internet.

Do you think I should go healthy? She just had a baby.. 50/50 chance whether or not mom is in the "Healthy" mode.. LOL! I say bring on the junk food! LOL..

I am just so excited for Nicole.. I bet she's not as excited..haha.. My newborn is now an infant.. I was looking at her today.. she's getting pretty long.. It's really sad to say goodbye to the baby.. Since she is my last. Oh well..
Baby Photo Contest

Monday, March 13, 2006

Making Money from Blogging...

Did you know that you can really make descent money from blogging? I got into blogging, and enjoy it.. but if you can make money.. I'm all for it. *smile* I first started with a few ads on the site. I did make some money, and laughed when I saw my husbands paycheck deposited into the account last friday, and my adsense deposited.. (I made .40 last week) hahaha..

Well I got looking around and found out that there is this new site, still in beta testing. It's really neat because you make actual money, and you know UPFRONT what you'll get for blogging. Check it out It's so easy, if you like to blog.. All you do is apply. They send you an email, pretty quickly and tell you if your approved or not. If you are approved, you sign in, and check out the "Offers" tab. Choose which Offer you want to write for, and they tell you how much you can make. It's really neat..

I am really new to blogitive, but I'm thinking it might be helpful in two ways.. and again.. these are just my thoughts.. I think it will drive more traffic to my site, and I get to make money, everytime I do what I love to do...BLOG.

Ofcourse there are going to be topics that might not be so interesting to you, but if your a descent writer, I bet you can just write about them.. Think about how fun it will be to look back at all you've written! :) What an awesome idea they had when they created Blogitive. Check it out!
Baby Photo Contest

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Attack of the farting pump!!

With my other kids, I went back to work at 8 weeks. I pumped and pumped and pumped.. My goodness.. I felt I was attached to that pump 24-7. Actually.. I always thought I suffered from low milk supply. My mother had me believing that that was the case.. It wasn't I now know.. As my kids NEVER lost weight.. They always gained.. so they weren't starving, and my little Ella is doing the same type of things the other girls did when mom thought they were starving..

Well with my two other girls, I can remember hooking my pump up to my cigarette lighter.. setting up my pump in the car, and pumping 1 hour straight on my way to work. Can you imagine?? Wait that's not the best part.. One time, I was going through the toll booth, and I pulled the shirt down OVER the pump.. Trying to hide the pump. I got up to the toll booth, and the pump started to slide and began making this really bad sound.. Just think of taking your mouth onto someones stomach and blowing it slow where it sounds like a "Fart" but it was making these farting sounds but they were OBVIOUSLY coming from my chest. I was waiting for the change of my $5.00 (1.00 toll) and the guy says.. What is that noise!? Well I first was going to answer him, but then decided nah.. Keep the $4.00 and I sped off.. If that wasn't bad enough, I was mortified.. BUT it gets better.. I got unhook the pum and realize 1/2 my bottle had poured out onto my shirt! CAN YOU IMAGINE that?!?! I had to keep a coat on 1/2 the day and get the million dollar questions.. "Are you cold?!" "Are you leaving?!?!"

The joys of breastfeeding!! :) It really is WONDERFUL.. *smile*

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Baby Photo Contest

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Afraid to feed your baby?

Don't be!! Wherever you are, whatever your doing.. Whomever your with, if your baby is hungry FEED her!! I dont' care how uncomfortable you feel.. WHY DO YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE?!?! This is the way you chose to feed your baby!! The BEST weay to feed her.. So why feel uncomfortable?! They know breastfeeding is best!! Lift that shirt, flash whoever is looking and latch that baby on!!

Really.. get over the fear.. do it all the time, and everywhere.. You can practice at home with a blanket over the baby in front of a mirror.. Do it often if you want the baby to get used to the blanket.. IT's very important..

If your out eating.. Lift your shirt and feed.. If your standing on the side of the road.. Lift it.. Heck we have women who used to show off their breasts if the guys had a certain radio station bumper sticker.. WHY?!?  That's ok, but feeding our babies aren't?!?! What is this world coming to?! Don't give into fear.. just do it!

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Baby Photo Contest

Monday, March 06, 2006

Nursing in Public....

Anyone have an issue with doing this? Not me.. You name it, If we've been there, we've probably nursed there..

I used to be very shy and nervous about nursing in public.. UNTIL.. My experience with my second child.. She was two weeks late, and I thought she'd be about 5 weeks old, but she was only 2 weeks old when we went to Florida on our vacation.  We went to Disney World.. I was so afraid of dehydration with the heat, so I nursed her EVERYWHERE.. I walked and nursed her, I sat and nursed her, I nursed her in the restaurants, on the streets, in the mothers rooms, and even in the middle of live shows.. I didn't care.. My baby HAD to drink a lot.. And I had to be a good mom and make sure she was well hydrated... and she was!

In Disney, there are so many walks of life there, so nobody flinched.. I had one guy say to me as I was panicking trying to latch her on, and me get situationed.. he said.. "You should do that somewhere more private."  I said.. "I do it where I have a right to do it, and if you have a problem, keep harrassing me, cause I don't mind taking this to court." He said, "Mam, I didn't mean anything by it.. " Sure you didn't!! Jerk!

Now with my last baby.. I don't care.. I kinda felt bad when I was at Cracker Barrel and she got hungry.. I waa facing the door where people come to be seated.. I felt a little awkward, but di d it anyway.. I faced directly there so everyone who came in the door saw me.. *smile* So what.. I'm worrying about my baby not about other people, right?! :) LOL!

Oh and nursing tops and things.. I was in a breastfeeding group, and couldn't believe that people were saying that nursing clothes were a waste of their money.. When I asked why.. they aid.. it was more trouble then it was worht.. So I explained that you need to tuck the bottom layer into your pants, and that's what covers you up.. Everyone was a little suprised.. haha.. I was just as supried that they didn't know how to use these clothes.. These are EXPENSIVE and it's nice to have.. But if your broke like I am.. I can't afford them.. I tried to make my own, but no, go.

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Baby Photo Contest

Friday, March 03, 2006

Meet Ella...

My latest little nursling's name is "Eleanor Jane" but we call her "Ella". She had an expected c-section date, but she came Earlier then expected at 35.5 weeks. My little preemie entered this world 1 month early, with very minor issues at first. She was in the NICU only for a few hours. She had rapid breathing, and her blood sugar was low. They regulated it, and I was finally able to see her seven hours after birth.

I don't know how parents do it.. I was freaking out. Here I had this baby insdie me for 8 months, and I was so in-love with her. I wanted to see her, touch her, feel her.. And I couldn't. I had a c-section, and I couldn't be with her.. I wanted to nurse her. I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to nurse her, ever. Was afraid she wouldn't know how to nurse.

They brought her into me, and she held her mouth wide open. I kept trying to get her to latch and she just wouldn't.. I was so scared.. I was really discouraged. Finally about a 1/2 hour later, I tried again and HOLY MACKERAL!! She had some suck on her.. She KILLED me.. She had hurt me so bad those first few days.. I was cracked and bleeding.. Each time she'd latch on, I'd hold my breath for the most excruciating pain..

I actually had to work with her to lessen the suction. Now she's my little pro. Out of the three girls, she is the best nursling. The other babies were sleepy babies.. not her.. she was ready to eat when she'd wake up.. She would be awake and go to town .. She is such a textbook baby, eat and sleep. I just can't believe she's getting out of the newborn stage and turning into an infant. Just wanted to share some pictures of her.

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