Breast IS Best!

Hi, I'm Jenny. Mom to 4 beautiful children. Currently nursing my last child. She was born 11/30/2005. I am currently pursuing my dream of becoming a Lactation Consultant. At the same time, I'd love to write about it, and help those with any issues.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Nursing in Public....

Anyone have an issue with doing this? Not me.. You name it, If we've been there, we've probably nursed there..

I used to be very shy and nervous about nursing in public.. UNTIL.. My experience with my second child.. She was two weeks late, and I thought she'd be about 5 weeks old, but she was only 2 weeks old when we went to Florida on our vacation.  We went to Disney World.. I was so afraid of dehydration with the heat, so I nursed her EVERYWHERE.. I walked and nursed her, I sat and nursed her, I nursed her in the restaurants, on the streets, in the mothers rooms, and even in the middle of live shows.. I didn't care.. My baby HAD to drink a lot.. And I had to be a good mom and make sure she was well hydrated... and she was!

In Disney, there are so many walks of life there, so nobody flinched.. I had one guy say to me as I was panicking trying to latch her on, and me get situationed.. he said.. "You should do that somewhere more private."  I said.. "I do it where I have a right to do it, and if you have a problem, keep harrassing me, cause I don't mind taking this to court." He said, "Mam, I didn't mean anything by it.. " Sure you didn't!! Jerk!

Now with my last baby.. I don't care.. I kinda felt bad when I was at Cracker Barrel and she got hungry.. I waa facing the door where people come to be seated.. I felt a little awkward, but di d it anyway.. I faced directly there so everyone who came in the door saw me.. *smile* So what.. I'm worrying about my baby not about other people, right?! :) LOL!

Oh and nursing tops and things.. I was in a breastfeeding group, and couldn't believe that people were saying that nursing clothes were a waste of their money.. When I asked why.. they aid.. it was more trouble then it was worht.. So I explained that you need to tuck the bottom layer into your pants, and that's what covers you up.. Everyone was a little suprised.. haha.. I was just as supried that they didn't know how to use these clothes.. These are EXPENSIVE and it's nice to have.. But if your broke like I am.. I can't afford them.. I tried to make my own, but no, go.

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